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Showing posts from January, 2011

Numbers of Nouns: Singular

Singular is word of or relating to a separate person or thing: individual or relating to, or being a word form denoting one person, thing, or instance ; or relating to a single instance or to something considered by itself. Singular stands for one or literally single. If you are referring only to a single or one person, thing or event , you should use the singular form of the noun. The singular form may also be the noun's base form. The base form of a noun is as it is written without inflection or additional affixes. Look at this chart for a clearer view of the base form of nouns: *Take note that some forms do not change or rather they may seem plural in form but is actually singular in function. These nouns may take another word for it to be recognize as plural, like for example scissors. You may say a pair of scissors or several scissors to point out many scissors. Stay on track for the next lesson! Bite size lessons only here at Laguagebites™

Genders of Nouns: Neuter

Neuter are words of, relating to, or constituting the gender that ordinarily includes most words or grammatical forms referring to things classed as neither masculine nor feminine. The neuter gender indicate words that specify objects or general terminologies . In contrast with masculine and feminine, all words that name objects are all neuter in gender. In addition, not only objects are neuter but also words that points to either male or female , like words for the infant of an animal. Take a look at this chart to see what I mean:   Let us see now compare all three genders. Take a look at this chart:     *Take note that neuter gender can either be male or female, or can neither be male nor female. If a term or word refers to a general kind, for example a horse, it is considered as a neuter, but when you point out to male horse you should refer to it as a stallion. Above this, all words without gender specification are all neuter. Stay on track for the next lesson!

Genders of Nouns: Feminine

Feminine are those having the qualities or appearance considered to be typical of women; connected with women. The Feminine gender indicate words that specify the female gender. In contrast with masculine, all words that names the female individual are all feminine in gender. Observe this chart for a quick grasp:   Looking at the previous chart of the masculine gender, we can now see the different names we call each gender. Observe this chart: *Take note that feminine are used only for female gender species. Compare masculine with feminine for a more contrasting view. There are many words that separate the two genders but there is also a notion that discriminating words are to be avoided. Words like landlord and landlady, should be addressed as landowner or innkeeper. Stay on track for the next lesson!

Genders of Nouns: Masculine

Masculine are those having the qualities or appearance considered to be typical of men; connected with or like men. The Masculine gender indicate words that specify the male individual . All words that names the male are all masculine in genders. Observe this chart for a better understanding: *Take note that masculine are used only for male gender species. Compare masculine with feminine for a more contrasting view. Stay on track for the next lesson!

Classification of Nouns: Collective Noun

Mass (Non-countable) Noun a word (such as school or flock) that names a group of people or things. In other words collective nouns are generic group names . It is neither classified as male (masculine) or female (feminine) for it incorporates the two genders. All words that points at a group of a specific kind, may it be people, animal or object, are called collective nouns. In another perspective, you may define collective noun as a 'collection' of people, animals and objects. For a better grasp of collective nouns, here's a chart of some collective nouns that you might encounter. *Take note that collective nouns are a collection, while quantifiers counts mass nouns. Do not confuse the terms used as quantifiers and as collective nouns. Stay on track for the next lesson!

Classification of Nouns: Mass (Non-count) Noun

Mass(Non-countable) Noun a noun (such as “sand” or “butter”) that refers to something that cannot be counted. Non-count nouns do not have a plural form and are not used with the indefinite articles a and an. Just like Count nouns, Mass nouns or as it other name says: Non-countable nouns are words that cannot be counted physically . These words are quantified using another word which are called quantifiers. Quantifiers , in a manner counts mass nouns . In short, whenever you'd like to count or quantify a Mass noun use quantifier. Observe this chart for better understanding.   This are some quantifiers that you might encounter: *Take note that most quantifiers are containers. Usually we count Mass nouns using appropriate containers for them. Also, some quantifiers may refer to objects that are in a pile or are bundled together. Stay on track for the next lesson!

Classification of Nouns: Countable Noun

Countable Noun is a noun (such as bean or ball) that has both a singular and plural form and can be used after a numeral, after words such as many or few, or after the indefinite article a or an. Basically as what the noun is called-countable which means can be counted . So, all words that can be counted are classified as countable nouns. To be able to identify these words , there are several things you need to consider. First, the number; Countable nouns should have both singular and plural forms . Second, it should be or is placed after or identified by a numeral . Third, countable nouns may also be found after words such as many and few if its indication is an indefinite quantity (that is more than one), or after the indefinite articles a or an . Take a look at these examples: *Take note that there are words which may seem confusing to classify. Example, leaf-leaves. The question that may arise here is that can you even count the leaves on a tree? Obviously no one would

Classification of Nouns: Abstract Noun

Abstract Noun is a noun which names anything which you can not feel through your five physical senses. This does not mean that abstract nouns are merely 'ghosts' but rather 'concepts' and 'ideas.' Words like justice, peace, unity, anger, hate build up the category of abstract nouns. Now, there are still a few arguments on whether 'love' should be placed. Should love be felt by the five senses making it a concrete noun or should it only be a feeling or an idea just like anger and hate making it an abstract noun? You decide, give me your side and tell me a very good reason why. Now, comparing abstract and concrete nouns, let see this chart below. Their are so much more that can be added to this list, why not try to add a few of your own? *Take note that abstract nouns will most likely touch your inner feelings. You may see it this way: concrete nouns are things felt by your body (which is at the outside) and abstract nouns are things felt by

Classification of Nouns: Concrete Noun

Concrete Noun is a noun which names anything (or anyone) that you can feel through your physical senses: touch, sight, taste, hearing, or smell. The word concrete itself means a stone or an object made out of cement:

Classification of Nouns: Common Noun

Common Noun is a word (such as “singer,” “ocean,” or “car”) that refers to a person, place, or thing but that is not the name of a particular person, place, or thing. It actually is the ' category label ' for things. Let say 'car' is the common noun for a Honda civic, and a 'Honda civic' is the proper noun for a car. It's like asking your self what kind of car do I like? A Ferrari or a Porsche?